Chapter Grant Program
UUAM Chapter Grant applications are due Wednesday, April 30, 2025, midnight Pacific time.
UUAM is pleased to continue its grant program to assist current UUAM chapters in completing important projects, or to help new UUAM chapters become established.
The UUAM grant fund contains $1,500 that can potentially be awarded in 2025. UUAM plans to award funds to UUAM chapters for special projects that further UUAM values and contribute to the welfare of non-human animals. Examples include developing a Religious Education program to teach humane treatment of animals, building shelters to protect animals from the elements, or showing an animal-themed film followed by a discussion. We particularly encourage projects designed to help congregations respond to the new "Interdependence" section of the UUA bylaws' Article II, which includes the phrase "we covenant ... to protect all beings from exploitation" (among other phrases that also apply to animals). Creativity is encouraged!
A chapter may apply for the full $1,500, or only a portion of that amount, depending on what the chapter would need from UUAM to complete the project envisioned.
Chapters must be in good standing with their annual chapter dues to be eligible to receive a chapter grant. (Exceptions to this policy can be made for newly-formed chapters, and for certain extenuating circumstances.)
If resources allow, UUAM will continue this grant program in future years.
If you receive a grant, UUAM requests periodic progress reports every six months from the date project work begins and a completion report within 30 days following the completion of all projects. Your completion report should include photographs of the project, the names of those who assisted in the project, and a brief commentary on the project that can be included in the UUAM e-newsletter. All reports should be sent to info@uuam[dot]org, with “grant report” in the subject line.
For a list of grants we awarded in 2023, click here.
Questions? Contact info@uuam.org.