Albert Schweitzer Sermon Contest
UU Animal Ministry has proudly reinstated its Albert Schweitzer sermon contest. In 2024 and 2025, a cash prize of $1,000 is available for the person writing and delivering the best sermon on the topics such as our responsibilities to other animals, or the implications of the new UU “Interdependence” value and covenant statement. Please let your minister and lay speakers know!
2024-2025 Contest
In the 2024-25 contest, a $1,000 prize will be awarded to the person writing and delivering the best sermon on the implications of some or all of the new “Interdependence” value and covenant statement of the UUA bylaws’ Article II—and optionally, on the implications of language in other sections of the new Article II—for UUs and "all beings.” Sermons must be presented between July 1, 2024 and June 30, 2025, to a UU congregation or community. The contest entry materials must be received by midnight July 31, 2025, PDT. Detailed information on the contest, including judging criteria, can be found HERE.
To reduce unintentional biases of the judges, please submit your manuscript or notes as two documents—the first being a cover page including your name and the sermon name, and the second with just the name of the sermon and the sermon text—and slideshow or audio or video recording if you’d like. If possible, please include an order of service for context. If your sermon was presented in a language other than English, please provide an English translation. Please email all materials to info[at]uuam[dot]org with the subject line: “Sermon contest”. Full instructions available at the link above.
We welcome submissions from people of any religion, race, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, age, family or parental status, veteran or disability status. BIPOC, LGBTQIA+ people, people with disabilities, people from frontline/impacted communities, and people who identify as women are especially encouraged to apply.
The information contained in these sermons represents the views and opinions of the original creators at the time that they were presented to Unitarian Universalist communities and does not necessarily represent the views and opinions of UUAM.
Past Winners
2023-2024 Contest Winner
Lorna Steele of the First Unitarian Church of Providence, RI, submitted the winning entry: Article II and The Care of All Beings.
2022-2023 Contest Winner
Juliette Moore submitted the winning entry for 2022–23. Read her sermon: “Veganism and the 7th Principle” by clicking here or watch it by clicking here.
2021–2022 Contest Winner
Rev. Dr. Joel Tishken of the UU Community Church of Hendricks County in Danville, Indiana, submitted the winning entry for 2021–2022: Nature of the Beast.
2020 Contest Winner
Rev. Dr. J. Carl Gregg of the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Frederick, MD, submitted the winning entry for 2020: Thoreau, Animal Emotions, & Us.
2019 Contest Winner
Elizabeth DeCoux submitted the winning entry for 2019. Read her sermon: “Seeing Animals” by clicking here or watch it by clicking here.