UUAM World Ads
UU Animal Ministry often spreads its message through advertisements in UU World, the Unitarian Universalist magazine. Some of the ads advocate certain messages (like promoting veganism for environmental sustainability, human health, food justice, and for the animals), while others are more general. Please feel free to duplicate and use these ads in your congregation and beyond.
Can We Prevent Future Pandemics – UU World Fall 2020 (PDF, JPEG)
First Principle Project: Ad for summer 2014 issue of UU World (PDF, JPEG)
Climate Change: Ad for summer 2013 issue of UU World (PDF, JPEG)
Albert Schweitzer’s Reverence for Life: Ad for summer 2012 issue of UU World (PDF, JPEG)
Ethical Eating – Food and Environmental Justice: Ad for summer 2011 issue of UU World (PDF, JPEG page 1, JPEG page 2)
Speciesism (PDF, JPEG page 1, JPEG page 2)
Jeremy Bentham – The Question is Not, “Can They Reason?” (PDF, JPEG page 1, JPEG page 2)