UUAM Chapters
This list begins with U.S. UUAM chapters alphabetized by state, then city (or where city is inapplicable, county or chapter name), and continues with chapters beyond the U.S.
Compassion in Action: UU Fresno (CA) Animal Ministry
Unitarian Universalist Community of the Mountains (UUCM) in Grass Valley, CA
Unitarian Universalist Animal Ministry at Orange Coast Unitarian Universalist Church, CA
First Unitarian Church of Los Angeles/Primera Iglesia Unitaria de los Angeles, CA
Unitarian Universalist Church of Palo Alto, CA
UU of Santa Clarita Valley, CA
UU Community Church of Santa Monica, CA
First Universalist Church of Denver Ethical Eating and Animal Welfare Task Force, CO
UU St. Pete Animal Ministry (St. Petersburg, FL)
Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Atlanta, GA
Unitarian Church of Hinsdale – Chicago area, IL
UUAM of UU Church of Urbana-Champaign (IL)
First Unitarian Church of Hobart, IN
Animal Ministry Task Force at River Road Unitarian Universalist Congregation, Bethesda, MD
Click here to contact Tonja Nansel or Vicki Thomas
Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Columbia, MD (UUCC) “Creature Connections,” a chapter of UU Animal Ministry, MD
UU Animal Ministry of Frederick, MD
Greater Boston UUAM Chapter, MD
Nantucket UU Animal Ministry, MA
Keweenaw Unitarian Universalist Fellowship UU Animal Ministry in Houghton, MI
Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Missoula, MT
First Unitarian, Albuquerque, NM ‘Animal Advocates’, NM
UU Church of Las Cruces, NM
UUAM of the UU Society of Oneonta (NY)
First Universalist Church of Rochester, NY; UUAM Chapter, UUnAMOR, NY
Westchester County, N.Y. Animal Ministry, NY
UUAM Asheville (NC) Chapter
Heart of the Carolinas UU Animal Ministry, NC
UU Congregation of Hillsborough (NC) in Action: Animal Justice
UU Fellowship of Winston-Salem, NC
Animal Ministry of the First UU of Columbus, OH
First UU Church of Youngstown, OH
UU Animal Ministry of Florence (OR) UU Fellowship
First Unitarian Portland, OR
UU Animal Ministry of Gettysburg, PA
First Unitarian Church of Providence Animal Ministry, RI
Unitarian Universalist Congregation of the Low Country, Bluffton, SC
UU Animal Ministry of Columbia, SC
Heart of the Carolinas UU Animal Ministry, SC
First UU Animal Ministry of Houston (TX)
UU Church of Arlington, VA
Quimper UU Fellowship, WA
Unitarian Church North Animal Ministry in Mequon, WI
UUAM Canadian Chapter