We invite you to give generously to support UUAM’s compassionate vision for Unitarian Universalism and the world.

UU Animal Ministry is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, and depends on donations from supporters like you to implement projects and assist more than 40 local UUAM chapters. You can donate online or send a check. Our levels of financial support have been named for noteworthy Unitarian Universalists. For a list of the honorees, please read our Honoree Biographies

Note: UUAM is formerly known as Unitarian Universalists for Ethical Treatment of Animals (UFETA), which remains the official name for business purposes.

Did you know that you can make your gift to UUAM pay tribute to someone important to you? After making your donation, submit words and images in honor or in memory of a human or nonhuman being here. Tributes are posted to the Honor & Memory Wall.

To donate online, please click the button below. If you would like to receive news from us, please include your postal and/or email address, and check the box to allow further communication from UUAM.

Donate with PayPal® or Credit Card

Donate with JustGiving

Donate by Mail

You may instead click here to complete this UUAM printer-friendly donation form and mail it with your check to:

c/o Theresa Zingery
625 Wesley Commons Dr. #39
Golden Valley, MN 55427

Planned Giving 

Some UUAM programs and activities are made possible by the generosity of UUAM supporters who remembered us in their wills, for which we are so grateful. If you would like any assistance with planned giving, please email us at info at uuam dot org.  

Thank You to Our Donors 

UUAM exists because of the generosity of its donors all over North America. Individual donors like you provide the vast majority of our funding in support of our our work for animals in Unitarian Universalism. We are also grateful for contributions from foundations, such as the Better Food Foundation and the Healthier, Greener, Kinder Foundation, each of which has provided three or more challenge grants in recent years. Thank you to ALL of our supporters who keep the faith for animals!