Connecting Our Hearts to All Life:
Compassionate Relationships, Care, and Advocacy
This six-session course builds upon the webinar, “Reverence for Life: Transforming Belief into Practice Through Animal Ministry.” In this preliminary webinar, we reviewed the commitments needed to live with reverence: Commitment to reality (tragedy, suffering, beauty, interconnection, science behavior), commitment to communication, commitment to practice, and commitment to community. In this six-session course, we offer practical tools for living out these commitments, especially those who wish to build competent and compassionate animal relationships, ministries, and organizations. Specific tools covered include communication skills (compassionate communication), social emotional, ecological, and transspecies intelligence, ethics, animal behavior and communication, and spiritual practices. Each session runs for approximately one hour, except the first session which is 83 minutes, and the last one which is 45 minutes. As we highly suggest that a group of people take this course together so that they can pause the recording for the exercises and the discussion, each session will run longer than the recording.
This webinar is required for individuals wishing to be certified as a “Reverencer” and for those animal ministry teams within congregations that wish to become a Reverence for Life congregation.
For course outline, click here.
To participate in the classes, view the videos below by clicking on each Session link.