Animals and the Law UUAM Animals and the Law UUAM

A Shift Towards Wildlife-Friendly Yards: State Laws vs. HOA Resistance

Despite numerous negative impacts of conventional residential landscaping, homeowner associations (HOAs) often ban or impede wildlife-friendly practices like native and pollinator plants, xeriscaping, drought-resistant plants, water-efficient plants and undisturbed areas. This article discusses the recent passage of state laws that limit the power of HOAs to bar these practices and other ways to address HOA opposition to wildlife-friendly practices by homeowners.

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Animals and the Law UUAM Animals and the Law UUAM

Getting Political for Animals

I regularly guest lecture to graduate students at the University of Denver’s Institute for the Human-Animal Connection (IHAC) with a presentation I call "Getting Political for Animals." The focus of the presentation is to point out that if we really want to bring about significant and lasting change in animal welfare and protections laws it can only be accomplished through the legislative process. There must be laws, and they must be enforceable. As part of my presentation, I offer up actual examples of protests, boycotts, and petition initiatives, pointing out that while these efforts are both needed and important, most do not actually result in making new laws, and I contrast this with the laws I have helped to make through the political process.

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