Honor & Memory Wall
UU Animal Ministry is proud to invite you to honor living human and nonhuman beings, and memorialize people and other animals who have passed away, by making a gift and submitting words and images in tribute.
In loving memory of Rosa, friend to all animals regardless of species, who loved to smell the wind and nap in the sun.
In memory of Smidgie, who brought 13 years of joy, mischief, and love into our lives. She was a playful, spunky companion who will be deeply missed by Theresa Zingery and David Breeden.
In memory of spunky Smidgie who sprinkled 13 years of kitty love through the lives of Theresa Zingery and David Breeden and warmed the hearts of others whose lives she touched. Your cuddles will be treasured forever. I wish I could have met sweet Smidgie in person. 💕 Kathleen
In Memory of Mary Frances DeCoux
While volunteering at Best Friends Animal Sanctuary, I was blessed enough to connect with a diabetic senior cat. Stannis was sweet and loving; I only wish we'd had more time together.
For our dearest Thunder Pup. Ms. Lucky was an amazing blessing. She stays in our 💖s forever.
Squeaker (white cat) joined us as a stray in 2011 & passed on 11/10/24. Bella (born 8/8/14) spent her whole life with Squeaker.
In memory of Luca and in honor of what a great friend Sharon Zingery was to him.
In memory of Shirley Zingery who loved all animals with a passion and found great joy in living with her companion animals Heather (dog) and Sammie (cat).
You touched all that you met! You gave everyone smiles, laughter and love. I miss you and will always love you, my sweet boy.
In honor of Miss Peach and all of the special rescue cats from the canyon by the Columbia River.
Taffy, our rescued green-cheeked conure, lived with us for 20 years and was the sweetest bird. He died ten years ago, and I still miss him.
Zeke, Jewel, Marilyn, Cheyenne, Saturday, Jojo, Sam, Mittens, Henry, Boots, Molly, Andi, Lydia, Puddy, Chip, Dixie, and Boo
I love you baby, so very very sorry I was not with you at the end. I will never forget your love
Tommy left this life way too soon. He will be missed everyday for the joy he gave to me and my family.
Mollie, thank you for being my first dog and a wonderful friend.
To Zoe: my sweet girl. Thank you for bringing so much joy, light, and laughter to my life. Your love uplifts me. Cheers to many more outings, walks, cuddles, and memories. Love you beyond the stars.
Our lives are richer and more colorful because of Lee. Her love of finding common bonds, vigorous conversation, abundant produce, chocolate. She was devoted to animals and children – so present in her personal life and in her life’s work. - Mary Conlon
Que tus alas te den nueva vida. Gracias por tu amistad y tu amor infinito. Siempre apreciaré nuestro precioso tiempo juntos. Hasta que nos volvamos a encontrar, te mantendré cerca de mi corazón. Te amo
Guzman, our hearts are not the same without you. We think of you everyday, and we’re so grateful for the laughter you brought and the love you shared. May your fierce, wild soul be free, little one. Love you forever.
Dear Rev. Russell, thank you for listening and creating a safe, loving space to grieve. Your kindness lifted me, offered me hope. Bless you for your grace, compassion, and wisdom. I am forever grateful.
In memory of Dave and Ilene Steele’s dog Cassady, from Jean Gilbert
In memory of Dave and Ilene Steele’s dog, Harmony, from Jean Gilbert
In honor of her loving husband, Norm Phelps, from Patricia Roberts
In honor of Rev. Dr. Russell Elleven, from Westside Unitarian Universalist Church in Forth Worth, TX
In honor of Sharon Hall and Animal Advocates of 1st Unitarian Church of Albuquerque, from Dave and Ilene Steele